Emerald Doulas, LLC

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Dear Partners: You Know What To Do

Photography by Kallyn Boerner, Heart in Hands NC

Dear Partners:

Hi. Hello. It’s us, your doulas.

We have something we want to share with you, and you alone.

You thought you were prepared for the changes that come along with bringing a new human into the world. You’ve been planning and prepping throughout pregnancy (and often times, before). Now, there’s a new element to consider. A Pandemic. A. GLOBAL. PANDEMIC.

The additional fears around COVID-19, and hospital support restrictions, it likely feels like your world is upside down in new, and scarier ways. 

As your doulas we want to remind you:

You already know what to do. 

Maybe you’re thinking, “Wait, what? I’ve never been at a birth before.” Sure. Okay, we’ll give you that. But, you have been a caretaker before, we’re betting.

Remember that time your partner broke their wrist/ankle/foot and you cared for them, and they marveled at how you remembered they prefer Peanut M&Ms? 

When your spouse is having An Emotional Moment ™ at the end of a long day, and you rub that kink in their neck, shoulders, or feet, and suddenly the world is a little bit less stressful for that minute? 

When your partner was upset after that visit with your provider who didn’t do a good job of listening to them, and you reminded them to reach out to your doulas to help them feel heard? 

You’ve seen your partner through illness, injury, and uncertainty. You’ve held their hand on countless hard days.

You’ve always known what to do. 

You’ve taken all the classes, maybe you’ve read some of the books, you’ve built relationships with your care team and Doulas. Tending and nurturing the emotional needs of your partner, for your family, is the linchpin in what helps a birthing person’s experience become a positive one.

In doula speak, we call that “Holding Space”.

And you can do this.

As your doulas we’re here to remind you, from a safe distance for now, that you have all the tools within yourself to support your partner as they birth your baby. We are her to help guide you through the uncertainty that is birth but it is your connection with your partner that comforts them through labor. Your affirming touch and caring words make all the difference! 

Love always,

Your Emerald Doulas

P.S. Even the best coaches rely on the guidance and wisdom from their assistance coach. Allow our birthing doulas to support both your birthing person and you when you need it most. Click here to read how we’re providing virtual birth doula care for new families.