Emerald Doulas, LLC

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Many Hands Make Light Work, Especially After Birth {Free Printable}

In those early days, the little, house chores tasks can grind. you. down. and take precious moments away from bonding with your newborn. Those same "small" tasks quickly snowball into a TON of housework, when you've got more important things to focus on (like your own recovery, or learning to breastfeed, or getting to know your new baby). 

Why not take advantage of all those postpartum visitors, stopping by with a meal or to see the baby, asking "Can I do anything to help?"!

Trust us when we say, if ever a time in which the saying "Many hands make light work" were true, it's during the days just after a new baby joins your family. But, in the moment, (and let's be honest, after a few sleepless nights) it's hard to remember exactly what they could do to be helpful.

We're here to help!

Today, we're offering a list of what we call, "5-Minute Tasks", which you can simply print off and tape to your fridge. We even left a few spaces for you to write a few unique-to-your-family tasks. On their own, each chore might take someone less than 4 or 5 minutes; but added together, they can make a big impact on your day-to-day life, especially in postpartum. 

We've also had previous clients have fun with this list and turn it into a baby shower activity, where guests help fill the list with their own ideas (Pro Tip: They're most likely to do those tasks when they visit with you after baby arrives). Some families write the tasks on popsicle sticks and ask visitors to "pull a task" from a can, or pick a task from a fishbowl of most needed chores

(Bonus: This gives you the chance to front-load the pool with your most-wanted, or most-hated, tasks. Example: Don't like to empty the dishwasher? Maybe write that one down a few times). 

Tell us in the comments what you'd add to this list for your home!
