Meet the Emerald Doula : 5 Questions with Meredith

1: Give us a three word summary of who you are.

Accompaniment. Committed. Goofy. 

2: What drew you to a career as a doula?

A combination of academic background, passions, job history, and the stars aligning brought me to this work. I found out what a “doula” was through hearing the birth story of the baby that I was nannying for at the time. I had the privilege of pretty immediately grounding doula work in a reproductive justice framework, which aligned with much of the other spheres of my life. I also have an MSW (Masters in Social Work), but often felt frustrated in the field. Doula work feels similar, but more expansive and creative.

3: What's rocking your world right now, in birth or in parenting?

Witnessing how a birthing body and baby move together over the course of labor. 

4: Where might we find you when you’re not doula-ing?

On a walk in the woods or cooking up a storm in my kitchen.

5: What's your Top 5 Registry Must-Haves for new parents?

  • A postpartum doula fund

  • A meal train

  • An affordable and comfortable baby carrier

  • A photography session

  • Blackout curtains

When Your Scar Doesn't Remind You Of A Smiling Face {Guest Post: Cesarean Awareness Month}

I still don't look back on my son's birth with good feelings.  My scar doesn't remind me of a smiling face, as an optimistic blogger proposed it should.

I still cringe when a friend or family member (always well-intentioned) says something along the lines of "at least you had a healthy baby" after I share my birth story. I still avoid news articles and slide shows featuring photos of mom looking lovingly into baby's eyes immediately after birth. 

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