Emerald Doulas, LLC

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Adding Doula Support To Your Baby Registry: A Step-by-Step Guide

Receiving gift certificates towards doula services is a really special way in which your friends and family can support your growing family. And while baby socks are sweet, gifting money towards your doula fund is a smart way to give something that truly lasts beyond the first growth spurt! Plus if this isn’t your first baby, asking for doula support instead of gifts helps avoid repeats of stuff you’re already planning to reuse or might not need this time.

Even better, our gift certificates can be used towards any service we provide, including doula support, lactation and infant feeding services, placenta services, and classes like our Spinning Babies® Parents Class, Childbirth Education, Newborn Care, or Modern Grandparents classes. So YOU get to choose how to maximize the generosity of your friends and family.

But, (you’re saying to yourself), doula services can’t be added to a typical registry list. That’s true. But, remember… we live in the future. Embrace the technology that’s so readily available to us these days, including a service called “Baby List”.

This site enables you to register for all kinds of things, from your more traditionally purchased items like carseats and baby clothes or services, like, ahem… the support of Emerald Doulas.

Here’s a step-by-step guide for setting your registry if you haven’t already:

Step 1: Create your account.

Step 2: Build your registry by clicking, “Add Gifts”.

Step 3: Click “Add a Cash Fund” and select, “Doula Fund”

Step 4: Set a “goal” amount and name it!

Step 5: Link your account details (so you can access your funds!) and enjoy all the support that’s coming your way!